Ego Death via Ketamine Intramuscular Injection Part II

The doctor injected me with 80mg of ketamine intramuscularly. Similar to anesthesia, I started counting to see how high I could get before being transported to an altered reality. I got to 37. Apparently the doctor asked me at the 3-min mark if I wanted the booster dose, but I have no recollection. I was already lightyears away from the room and any semblance of this individual, corporeal life.

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Ego Death via Ketamine Intramuscular Injection: Part I

I’ve worked at a ketamine clinic for four years now, and have used the treatment for my own healing several times; however, I had never before experienced the glamorized ‘ego death,’ which occurs when all sense of self is temporarily lost or forgotten, leading to a feeling of nonduality (total lack of separation from anything else). Recently, however, I finally did. Here’s my attempt at describing the experience.

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